Tuesday, February 28, 2012

a little vitamin B...

that's all the house needs
{and us too}
to get back into gear!!

vitamin b in this case being
papa B coming down on two occasions
and working the heck out of husband!

let's see what the power of B + husband can do...

put up all the new doors upstairs...

patch up the ugly stuff...
{yes stucco wall - I'm talking about you!}

put up backsplash...

just to name a few things!
the end result of the power duo looks something like this:

sooooo much space!
you two are animals...
and we like it!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

one, two, three, four...

tell me that you love me more...
{you know the song!}

yay to wrapping up {some} loose ends!
corner cabinet finally arrived!!

hood fan!

what wall? hubby patched the evidence!

pendants {and pot lights} are up!

feels good!
next up - some bigger projects to tackle...